From Left: Shang Yang, Waikit and Ping Teck
Btw, I designed the Coaching shirt for my current coaching team and for the future! A lot of people who saw it thought that it looked nice and I had to tell everyone that it is only reserved for ROYALS Coaching Team and not anyone else. I gifted these shirts to the coaching team out of my own money and am glad to see that they are appreciative and the design turned out nice! Hopefully, this will be a trademark shirt for ROYALS Coaching Team in the successive years :DD
Season 2017/18 Committee: Dawn, Jiamin and Jupeng (From left)
As this is my 2nd season with HALL 8 ROYALS, I was more familiar with the hall players and so was seen as less fierce by everyone. This season I'm supremely thankful to have Waikit and later on in the season, Shang Yang as my co-coaches to help with training matters and crafting of routine. In mid-Dec to early Jan, I got Pink Teck to help craft the dance segment for the routine. This season is different and SOOOO much better because last season, I was on my own and I had to craft everything by myself. After the end of last season, I told myself that I'm never going to do this to myself anymore and that I needed to get help and to learn to ask for help. Thankfully, Waikit offered to help out on his accord and be my co-coach and then I decided I needed to plan for succession for ROYALS. So I told Shang Yang to come onboard as senior/co-coach this season so that next season he can be the head coach. I got Ping Teck to help with dance because he has experience in dance and he was mascot for last season. Thank god for all these people or else I dunno how I'm able to survive!!
Prior to IHCC Comps, I was supremely worried and anxious. I was worried I didn't do enough for my Hall players as their coach and that the team will fall apart because there was a lack of flyers and we barely made the bare minimum to qualify to compete as a team. And I also had to deal with existing flyers' injuries and their other personal issues. It was crazy because I couldn't afford to lose any players, especially flyers since we lack the numbers, or we wouldn't be able to compete. It was insane and emotionally taxing. Luckily, I had Ping Teck to help assuage my concerns and worries. Don't know how I would manage without him omg >.<
As you can see, this season we only had 5 flyers and 3 of them are juniors/ freshies. *cries*
Bases messing around. These pictures were taken during their showcase two weeks before IHCC!
Hair braided by Rachel, one of my Hall flyers (: It's soooo pretty!
Waikit and I cupie! He still got it! :D
Hand-hands with Shang Yang (Head coach for next season!)
And IT'S FINALLY OVER! I'm blessed not only to have a great coaching team but also, great hall players. There are some freshies who do have the potential to excel in cheer and I'm glad some of them choose to continue to pursue cheer. Can't wait to see their growth in cheer! (:
Stunt cupie stretch with Isaac
Stunt cupie with ex-Wildcards teammate Joel
And I'm also glad that the team sees and understand my goals where I'm also planning for future succession, even going beyond Season 18/19. I plan in such a way that in future, after Shang Yang leaves, there will be procedures and people in place to take over and so on. The end-goal is to ensure that ROYALS will end up being self-sufficient and have their own coaches in future. They won't need to rely on external coaches nor worry whether they can find coaches in the first place. Once this goal is achieved, I think I have done my part to help ROYALS do well. Of course I know I'm a little idealistic because succession is also highly dependent of the succeeding generations and whether they can find seniors to commit for an additional 1-2 years after they graduate but I reasoned with myself that I can't control such factors in the future and while I can advise the juniors, the future steps are for them to take and consider.
To end it off, here are some stunt photos to commemorate the end of IHCC 2017/18! :D
With Hall 1 Unisus Zishen
With one of my hall players Zhihao as well! So heartened to see his progression from unable to toss hands, to being able to successfully toss hands and press to block. All this in his first season with us! Can't wait to see his progression :D
Well, we tried to do a glad but Zoey doesn't know how to do it so this was the best we could do. Hahahah... :DDDD
With Hall 7 Jaegers Jamie!
Cupie attempt with another of my hall player, Guojun! He will be graduating after this season but definitely look out for him because he is onboard my coaching team next season! Hopefully, he will be able to take over after Shang Yang in the following season! :)
With Huibing, a flyer whom I got to know during combined training with Hall 1 Unisus to put up a routine for our respective hall orientation camps.
Handski with Isaac. Taken from my IG (@nicesgjy)
Mandatory shot with my ROYALS Season 2017/18 flyers!
Regardless, can't wait for next season for ROYALS (which I hope will be my last season before I finally bid goodbye and hang up my cheer shoes for good)! :DDD
Thankful for this NTU IHCC 2017/18 (Theme: Madagascar)
That's all!