Mar 11, 2015

Toxic People

Something that my friend came across and showed it to me, and I felt to be awfully true.
Toxic people are everywhere. In fact, they are usually people whom you know. Your friends, colleagues, teammates and family members. 

Here are some of the different types of toxic people suggested by, just to give you a clearer picture of what it means by "toxic"

1. Toxic arrogance

There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence inspires; arrogance intimidates. Arrogant people always know best and feel superior to others. They will never celebrate your confidence because it interferes with their arrogance. 

2. Toxic control

Controlling people know everything and the best way to do anything. They're usually very insecure beneath it all, but as long as they're around you'll never get a chance to voice an idea or do anything yourself. 

3. Toxic envy

Those plagued with jealousy are never happy with what they have, and they arent capable of being happy when good things happen to you. They cant appreciate it when others achieve or move forward; they feel that if anything goo is going to happen, it should happen to them.

4.  Toxic lies

As long as there are people, there will be people who lie. But chronic liars are harmful because you never know what to believe, so you cant count on their promises or their word. They will lie to you about others, and they will lie to others about you. 

5. Toxic negativity

You probably know someone who's always angry and resentful, suspicious of everything. Negativity destroys relationships, and spending time with negative people makes you feel they are sucking the life out of you.

6. Toxic judgmentalism

There is a big difference between making a judgment and being judgmental. Judgments are objective and based on discernment, while being judgmental is just about criticism. Judgmental people are always quick to jump to conclusions. They are poor listeners and communicators.

7. Toxic gossip

Gossipers see themselves as having a deep conversation about someone, an exchange of information. They do it to elevate themselves about their insecurity, and there's no distinction between speculation and fact. Few things are more destructive than gossip.

8. Toxic lack of character

When someone lacks integrity and honesty- when cheating, lying, manipulating, gossip, and greed are part of the norm--there are few things they wont do to get their way. If they decide you're an obstacle to them, they'll come after you with everything you've got. 

Sounds familiar? You might be a perpetrator or a victim of such "chemical spills". For those of you poor sufferers of such toxic people out there, don't worry you are not alone. We all have our personal fair share of experiences with toxic people. Take it that toxic people allow you to grow. Remember they are there for a reason. Be it because you have low self-esteem or because you are generally a nice person and gets pushed around a lot, hence, attracting all these kind of nasty behaviors from them. Because a person only grows amidst struggles, difficulties and obstacles, crush them and prove them wrong. And emerge, happier, stronger and a better person in general. DO NOT stoop to their level and become one of them, because someone else suffers for it. I guess, just be thankful that they came into your life for a reason. They make me more resolute about what I want to eventually do and achieve. 

Guilty of perpetuating such behaviors? JUST STOP IT ALREADY. I dont care who made you that way or why you ended up like that. Whatever you are doing right now to people is horrible and despicable. 

Hmm.. but if you are exceptionally insistent that you are not one of those people with the aforementioned attributes when other people KNOW you clearly are.

Well, karma's a bitch and whatever comes around, goes around.
Start being nice to people. What happened to the Singapore Kindness Movement Campaign eh? Get it moving, already!

Happy Mid-week, ma lovelies. (:


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